11 February 2012

On This Day

**Update for 10 February 2012**

Without vehicular transportation, I was able to walk for 25 minutes. That allowed me to burn 152 calories. I am not talking, sweet and blissful flat roads, I am talking horrid, awkward inclines.  All in all, it is easy for me since I train to walk every day at such crazy inclines. Helps with the glutes. ANYWAYS, here's the gym workout. I didn't do much, but considering my swollen shot area on my deltoid and this really weird leg pain/spasm I get, I still felt I achieved a good bit.

Situps:  Various awkward not military correct situps that worked sides.
Planks: 1st rep was 30 seconds, 2nd 45 seconds, 3rd was 30 seconds, and 4th was 45 seconds
Crunches:  Did 10 reps for 2 sets.  Didn't really understand them. I didn't like how I couldn't go all the way up.
Hand under back crunches: These were better, since you had you hands resting under the middle of your back. Easy Peasy.
^^^38 calories^^^
Cybex:  15 min at avg 40 resistance burned 217 calories
Situps: 100 reps in one set burned 20 calories
Calisthenics: 8 minutes worth burned 52 calories

~~470 calories burned for the day.

Wasn't having the best, most wonderful day yesterday.  Thankfully I have amazing friends Hayley and Mylynn to thank for going out to eat at La Barca's. Had amazing food, carbs and BUTTER. Oh yes, butter.  The thing is, that meal still kept me under 1500 calories. It's becoming hard to eat healthy and still get over 1200 calories in your system--Aside from that, they lifted my mood and I got to enjoy talking with real human beings face to face.  It's hard to find people you aren't related to by blood that you can feel comfortable being yourself and trusting that much.  These two girls I adore completely.  They have the two most unique personalities and are so much fun.  I like how people can call you out on your ish not because they can't stand you, but because they respect you enough to be honest with you. That's what you have with these chikas.

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