11 February 2012

Be Wary of Overdoing It

Currently I am experiencing pain going along the outside of my leg.  Found out through the internet and through my Runner's magazine what this could POSSIBLY be...  Here's some links:
~~Iliotibial Band Syndrome     
~~Testorerone Nation blog on pain while squatting down has a couple of good home remedies for this issue.
I will undoubtedly be making that appointment for the Physical Therapy office on base.

Granted, this isn't a major issue of life and death, but I know someone out there will be freaking out about this horrible pain on the outside of their leg and wants to know what is going on.  Well, have you been running improperly or pushing yourself extremely hard?  Have you been stretching properly afterwards? Did you squat improperly?

I am sharing this injury with you folks so you don't have to go through this yourself.  Do not ever forget to stretch properly. Moreso, do not over extend or stretch beyond what is comfortable.  The pain is not worth it. It keeps you from doing your workouts properly and gaining the best results.

On another note, I decided to be a dandy idiot and work out my arms immediately after receiving a flu shot. Little did I know that it can cause inflammation in the shot area.  Yesterday I had a wonderful hornet sting like area around the place of the injection.

So, sage advice for today is DO NOT FOLLOW MY LEAD.  Don't work out after getting your vaccinations, don't overuse, overextend and forget to stretch after working out. 

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