14 February 2012

This week thus far.

Okay, so what, today's Valentine's Day. Woopydiidaaaa doo.

Here's an update so far of my workout plan.

Saturday:  Tour Day!

Sunday: Circuit/Cardio Day

*Cybex: 20 minutes @ 40 resistance--261 calories
*Yoga/Stretch for 5 minutes
*Incline Press
~20lb @ 20 rep
~35lb @ 15 rep
~40lb @12 rep
*Overhead Press
~20lb @ 20 rep
~25lb @ 20 rep
~30lb @ 15 rep
*Gravitron Dips
~125lb @ 20 rep
~110lb @ 15 rep
~95lb @ 10 rep
*Gravitron Chinups
~125lb @ 20
~110lb @ 15
~95lb @ 10
*Circuit Training
~1st Session 20 minutes
~2nd Session 10 minutes

Monday: Rest Day!

Later on today I will be going to the gym, but I will be resting my legs as much as possible.  That doesn't mean I shouldn't avoid working out all together. I have to keep this pace up.  Can't miss more than two workout sessions a week. Won't. I refuse.

Good luck lads and ladies!

EDIT:  I realize I am currently only posting my workout information and now what the exercises are and what they look like per-say.  I will be working on setting up a decent description of each workout and why I do them and hopefully I can get some pictures in.  It's really difficult to take a picture of yourself in yoga let alone planking...just saying...lol.

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