09 March 2012

Sao Miguel, 5 Years and Counting

For those who do not know or are unaware, my husband is US Air Force Active Duty.  We are currently stationed overseas at Lajes AB, Azores.  It's an alright and beautiful place, but there's a reason this place is considered a short tour.  There's a lot more to be offered when stationed at high traffic/volume bases overseas. Here it is remote. VERY remote. Don't get me wrong, I love the culture of farmlands and families, the amazing nature, and the wonderful history of this place. It's just all seen, said and done the first few months here.  At least there is a bit of solace to be found on other, somewhat more commercialized and scenic, islands.

So, this evening, I will be leaving on a tiny buslike plane to the next island in the Azores.  My husband and I are going to be celebrating our 5 year anniversary!!  Thank goodness I pre-packed yesterday because I have only twenty minutes to get ready when I get off work....

Needless to say, I don't think I am a wonderful stick-shift driver, but I will do my best when we pick up the car rental. Slightly scary but I think it's worth having prepaid, mobile transportation. I just have to worry about gas...

This will be a good learning experience for later on, should we decide to island hop again one last time before leaving to our next base!  Hopefully we get to know where we are headed next this coming week!!!

~~~Look forward to kewl pix and this will be a wonderful break from workouts at the gym and home!~~~

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